Keywords In Abstract Apa Style.
For published papers it also includes a list of keywords. It describes the research problem methods results and conclusions of your research. Keywords format recommended fonts.
Do not indent the first line. It describes the research problem methods results and conclusions of your research. Keywords format recommended fonts. 11 point calibri 11 point arial 10 point lucida sans unicode 12 point times new roman 11 point georgia or 10 point computer modern see footnote 2 placement. For published papers it also includes a list of keywords.
Do not indent the first line. Second page of paper written one line below the abstract label. You can see an example under the abstract in this apa style sample paper. An apa abstract is a summary of your paper in 150 250 words. Use a legible font like times new roman 12pt. For published papers it also includes a list of keywords. Write the abstract after you have finished your paper and place it on a separate page after the title page. Indented like a regular paragraph italic but not bold text. 11 point calibri 11 point arial 10 point lucida sans unicode 12 point times new roman 11 point georgia or 10 point computer modern see footnote 2 placement. Write abstract bold and centered at the top of the page.